2025 Speakers

Gabriella and Esther Smith | Pilgrim's Heart Ho...
Pilgrim's Heart Homestead is a family-owned farm and cottage industry. It was born out of 3 young girls' love of all things farming. A love that was placed in their...
Gabriella and Esther Smith | Pilgrim's Heart Ho...
Pilgrim's Heart Homestead is a family-owned farm and cottage industry. It was born out of 3 young girls' love of all things farming. A love that was placed in their...

Goat Education Center - Pat Cotten & Dewayne Hall
The Goat Education Center will be led by Pat Cotten of Bending Tree Ranch and Dewayne Hall of Red Feather Farm where they will be teaching and demonstrating various types...
Goat Education Center - Pat Cotten & Dewayne Hall
The Goat Education Center will be led by Pat Cotten of Bending Tree Ranch and Dewayne Hall of Red Feather Farm where they will be teaching and demonstrating various types...

Bridgette Nichols - The Farmacy Barn to Table
Bridgette Nichols is an experienced community leader, entrepreneur, and advocate for sustainable living, serving as the Executive Director of Pryor Main Street. With a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration...
Bridgette Nichols - The Farmacy Barn to Table
Bridgette Nichols is an experienced community leader, entrepreneur, and advocate for sustainable living, serving as the Executive Director of Pryor Main Street. With a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration...

Anna Hill - Fermented Homestead and Crunchy Cul...
Love for the taste of fermented foods began young for Anna with pickles and sauerkraut. After finding relief from many health issues through the pursuit of gut healing, fermenting became her passion...
Anna Hill - Fermented Homestead and Crunchy Cul...
Love for the taste of fermented foods began young for Anna with pickles and sauerkraut. After finding relief from many health issues through the pursuit of gut healing, fermenting became her passion...

Dan Threlkeld - Meteorologist & Master Gardener
Dan Threlkeld is a multiple Emmy winning meteorologist, recognized as Oklahoma’s Most Accurate Forecaster. His expertise spans over four decades of experience in both meteorology and communications, with a focus on...
Dan Threlkeld - Meteorologist & Master Gardener
Dan Threlkeld is a multiple Emmy winning meteorologist, recognized as Oklahoma’s Most Accurate Forecaster. His expertise spans over four decades of experience in both meteorology and communications, with a focus on...

Heather Butler - Hogs and Hens Urban Farm
Heather Butler is a Certified Permaculture Designer. She lives in Dayton, Ohio with her husband Bob in their 1885 row house that has been converted to an urban farm with...
Heather Butler - Hogs and Hens Urban Farm
Heather Butler is a Certified Permaculture Designer. She lives in Dayton, Ohio with her husband Bob in their 1885 row house that has been converted to an urban farm with...